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Fuel consumption converter MPG to L/100km and km/L

4.6 ( 9936 ratings )
الأدوات المساعدة السفر
المطور: Intemodino Group s.r.o.
0.99 USD

Fast conversion between US, imperial and metric fuel consumption units.

The fuel consumption converter lets you convert between:

Kilometers per liter (km/L)
Liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km)
Miles per gallon (US) (US MPG)
Miles per gallon (UK) (UK MPG)

Flip button lets you easily switch between the "from" and "to" units.

Supports fractions.

Results are shown in the decimal and fractional forms.

Apps Settings:

- Rounding to the specified number of decimal places: for decimal numbers, you can select the number of decimal places you want to display. By default, the app displays 2 decimal places.
To round results to the nearest whole number, select 0 decimal places.

- For fractions, you can select rounding to the nearest 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128, 1/256. By default, the app rounds fractions to the nearest 1/32.
If you do not need to round fractions, just select "-".

Sends results and history via email.

Conversion history.

Supports both portrait and landscape orientation.